workshops & trainings

Work with Javonna to create a workshop specific to your needs. Reach out and let us know more about your event, how many people, specific topic and length of presentation. Javonna will respond with a proposal and quote. 
Topics of expertise: 
Ethical Nonmonogamy, Polyamory, and Relationship Anarchy
Systems of Oppression
Foster Care
The impacts of the prison system
Black and Indigenous Mental health 
Re-Indigenizing our systems and lives
Decolonizing Attraction
Trauma and PTSD 

Feel free to reach out about one of Javonna's signature presentations, based in research and presented many times. 
See current options below:

Clinical Impacts of the war on drugs

In this eye-opening, one-hour presentation that addresses the profound clinical impacts of the War on Drugs on therapeutic treatment. This session will unravel the complex interconnections between drug policy, healthcare, and patient outcomes, offering a comprehensive analysis suited for healthcare providers, policymakers, mental health professionals, and anyone interested in the crossroads of public health and law enforcement.

Caring for our storytellers 

This one-hour presentation dedicated to the care and well-being of storytellers who champion political movements and nonprofits. Dive deep into practical strategies for nurturing the mental, emotional, and professional health of these narrative pioneers. You'll gain insights into recognizing burnout, providing supportive solutions, and creating sustainable work environments that inspire and rejuvenate. This training is a designed for those involved in advocacy, communication, or support roles within mission-driven organizations. 

Product Name

Decolonial Research Methods Review

In this hour-long presentation that delves into the evolving landscape of therapeutic practices and healing modalities. This training will critically examine how current decolonial research methods are rooted in colonial theory, often perpetuating colonial frameworks while claiming a decolonial lens. We explore the urgent necessity for clinicians to return the original healing practices to effectively address and meet the unique needs of marginalized communities. This presentation will offer valuable perspectives designed to transform and enrich your therapeutic understanding  of the work that needs to be done in order to "decolonize mental health", ensuring it is inclusive, equitable, and is ethically honoring the original practices that inspired modern day psychology.

Let us know more below about your next workshop or training:
We will get back to you for more information and send back a quote.