About Javonna Arriaga LLC

Javonna Arriaga LLC is a consulting, coaching, and therapy practice deeply rooted in liberation principles.

Javonna Arriaga LLC is a consulting, coaching, and therapy practice deeply rooted in liberation principles. Through anti-oppressive frameworks, re-indigenizing practices, and a commitment to honoring lived experiences, Javonna Arriaga LLC collaborates with the healing forces of the ancestors, land, plants, and animal relatives, to support generational healing from past traumas to future dreams. This is more than a business; it is a radical commitment to collective empowerment, sowing seeds of change in the soil of shared humanity.
Accountability to our most vulnerable relatives
Pleasure and Joy
Living live over productivity
Centering Black and Indigenous wisdom
Re-Indigenization and Decolonization
Living in connection to the environment
Honoring lived experience as expertise
Transformative, Restorative and Intergenerational Justice
voice and personality

Our voice is rooted & compassionate.
Our voice is relatable and clear. 

We are re-indigenizing, liberating, and authentic. 
We are holding each other & ourselves. 
With boundaries & accountability. 

We are holding duality. Both , and. 
We are honoring the personal & naming its interconnection with the collective. 
We are honoring the collective & naming its interconnection with the personal. 

We show up in our truth while holding space for what we do not yet know. 
We lead by example through vulnerability & expression of the internal process. 

We tap into humor, levity, and playfulness, with the intention of being more
familiar, relatable, modeling alternative ways to move through hard things. 

We are returning.

About "The Pomegranate" Logo
The pomegranate represents the heart & polyamory. The red color represents passion, blood, love and hate. The roots represent re-indigenizing, connection to the land, place, and ancestry. The 7 tips represent healing 7 generations forward and backward. The stitching around the pomegranate represent the traditional weaving fiber arts of Peru and Panama.